A love questionnaire for Valentines Day!

1) How We Met
I don't remember the first time I laid eyes on Michael, he just remembers I was a weirdo! It was at a Brand New Concert in June of 2006. 
Officially we met again December 19th 2006 at Colby Dankleffs birthday part at Fridays in Provo. I didn't like Mike he annoyed me. Eventually he asked my friend Kiley for my # and you know the rest. 

2) Our First Date
This is also a little complicated. We hung out before we actually went on a date. We could count the first time he paid for me at Bombay house. I like to count when we went bowling with Tyson on a double. 

3) Our First Kiss
I thought it would be after the date, but unfourtunatly I had my most embarresing moment when the door scene came...
A few days later after hot tubbing with his friends we were in his room listening to Dashboard and he kissed me :)

4) How We "Knew"
We both KNEW on our way home from Vegas, Yes just 1 month of knowing each other.  We didn't tell each other because that would have been weird... We joked with our friends that we got hitched in Vegas. Later we talked about when we "knew" and we both said Vegas.

5) The Proposal

6) The Wedding Day

7) The Honeymoon

8) Our First Holiday Together
His Birthday, I made him a Camo blanket ( doesn't everyone like Camo in Utah) HA HA not Mike, but I did good with the German Chocolate Cake. 
Valentines was our second holiday. I TRASHED his Jeep. Little did I know he is OCD about his Vehicles being clean... 

9) Our First Home

10) 15 Things About Mike
1. He makes me laugh all the time. 2. He loves Macs 3. He is named after his dad 4. He has ADHD 5. He has Green eyes 6. He loves his family 7. He holds the Priesthood 8. He is a Web Designer 9. He is a movie fanatic 10. He said "He loves his babies" 11. He sings all the time, he makes up his own silly songs 12. He loves his Xbox and his Kinect. 13. He grows a beard every Sept to Jan. 14. He likes the Beatles 15. He loves traveling

11) 15 Things About Nikki
1. I love to blog :) 2. I like eating 3. I play softball 4. I like to snowboard, wakeboard and longboard. 5. l own 2 ponies 6. I like animals especially Great Danes 7. Valentines Day is one of my favorite holidays. 8. I hate praying mantices 9. I am LDS 10. I will go to Thailand someday. 11. Green and Black are my favorite colors. 12. English is my enemy. 13. I LOVE Math 14. I am teaching my self code 15. My family is the most import thing to me. 

12) Favorite Picture of Us
We have over a thousand pictures of us, I can't choose just one. I really love this one, its not my most favorite, but I love it. 

13) Favorite Activities To Do Together
We are so similar so there are a lot. Play video games, longboard, wakeboard, poker, board games,     movies, camping, fishing, and so much more

14) Favorite Memories Together
 Birth of Peyton, Vegas, Honeymoon, Tim and Faith Concert 

16) Most Embarrassing Dating Moment
Well when I tried to kiss Mike and he denied me... Don't worry there was a reason :)

17) Best Dating Moments
Trip to Vegas and our trips to Disneyland every year. 

18) Our Years in Pictures
I'm going to do more than just this year. Here you have our last 4 years :)
February 4th, 2007

 April 2nd, 2008
May 2nd, 2009

October 25th, 2009

November 2nd, 2010

January 15th, 2011

19) Mike's Family
Mike and Suzanne, Sharolee and Jason, Matt, Adam and Amanda

20) Nikki's Family
Frank & Juli, Ashton and Whitney, Colton and Lynne, Theresa, Chase and Tillie, Dane

21) Entertaining Married Moments
As you know Mike is very entertaining all the time. He makes me laugh every single day. I am starting a war by putting up this video (he already warned me). ENJOY!

22) Our Favorite Movies
Depends on the day, we watch this one every Christmas though.

23) Our Song
My Bestfriend by Tim Mcgraw

24) An Inside Joke
We have a lot. Here are three
1. B.B.J.C.
2. Dog the Bounty Hunter
3. Pineapple

25) Some of Nikki's Favorite Things
Longboarding, Hunting and Fishing, Family, Horses, Flowers, Mike and Peyton

26) Some of Mike's Favorite Things
Music, Movies, Computers, Snowboarding, Video Games, Food, Nikki and Peyton

27) Our Nicknames
Mike really has ever only called me Nikki or babe. Other people call me Nik, Knik, Nikotine and so on
Mike is a nickname for Michael obviously. I also call him Mikey and babe. Other people call him Bronco, Scatolax.

28) First Picture Together
The first one is at Bombay House. The second is at a BYU basketball game. :) I didn't tell him for a while that I was a Ute fan. Yep i'm even smiling with Cozmo.

29) Somewhere We Want to Vacation
Our next big trip will be to Hawaii in Aug. then to the Western Carribean in Jan. THEN TO:
Thailand, Italy, Paris, Egypt and much much more.

30) Our Favorite Place
On a tropical beach together or the Temple


Kimber said…
Love this post! And as far as knowing after a month, Shawn and I knew after 2 dates and were engaged 3 weeks after meeting! So it's not crazy! Or maybe we're just really crazy!!
Esplins said…
What a cute post! You guys are perfect together. Happy Valentine's Day!

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