One year older and wiser too, Happy Birthday to you!

"25... I never thought I'd be 25. I feel so old." -MWH
Silly boy you're not old. You don't look old and you certainly don't act old.
The day for Mike at about 8:00 started off with me nudging him saying go get Pey, it's your turn. I was up with her all night. If I had remembered it was his birthday I would have got up, but momma was dead tired.
I gave Mike one of his presents at midnight and made him wait till we woke up for the rest. Which included: Lots of Coke, Lots of Cheese and Lots of Clothes. His favorite of the presents I think is the Big Al Jefferson Jersey that you will see in the pics to come. Hard to say though because if you know this man you know his love for Coke and Cheese.

We went to Biaggi at the Gateway Mall in SLC. It was scrumtruelecent (a Mike word). We were off to the Jazz game with Papa and Mimi. Always a great time with the Halls! The Jazz won which I think was icing on the cake for Mikey.

Now for the mushy gushy stuff.
Micheal Wayne Hall
I love you. You are my one and only. You dad said it exactly right tonight. "We're perfect together" I love the way you constantly build me up. I love the way you comfort me when I am scared, even when I'm scared over something silly. I love the way you love our little girl. You are a wonderful daddy. I love the way Pey looks at you, when you sing your silly songs to her. I even love the way you kick butt at COD. I really don't love your love for BYU, but hey at least your not a zoob. I love the way you make me laugh. I love it when you hold me hand and make me feel so special. I love the way every time you see me you tell me how beautiful, hot, cute or sexy I am. I love the way you correct my spelling and even when you make fun of my Utah accent. I love the way you play stupid every time someone asks you if you are a serial killer because your name is Micheal Hall. Like on Dexter. Yes I just shared your little secret. :) You like making people feel stupid, your most favorite thing is awkward situations. Don't ask me people I don't get it either, I just love him. Mike this is getting long and you know how I feel about you and now so does the world. I hope you had a wonderful birthday, here's to many many more.


Michael said…
Nikki, thank you so very much for you beautiful post. I love you too. I love you more than you could ever imagine. We are perfect together, together forever. My birthday was the best one yet and I'm so glad I was able to share it with the people that mean the most to me.
To everyone else, thanks for all the birthday wishes. You all are too kind. I love everyone.
Esplins said…
Happy Birthday Michael! So glad it was a good one. Thanks for experiencing 25 before me :) Let me know if I should try and avoid my bday.

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