Labor Day Weekend! 2010
Mike and I woke up around 9:00 and went yard sale-ing! I really wanted to find a cute little chair and mirror for Peyton's room. I did find a few things, but not exactly what I was looking for. We got a clay pigeon thrower for $5 bucks thats worth a lot more than that!! I got a few Halloween and 4th of July decorations. Mike got a sushi kit that was brand new never used! He got a few more vinyl records for his collection and last but not least we got bar stools! We have a bar, but nothing to sit on.... Pictures of those to come on another day with all of the house photos ( I forgot I haven't posted images of our home)
Last, but NOT least! Mike has been bugging me to buy a grill. If you know Mike then you know he wants the best which means $$$ and I am not interested in spending $400.00 on anyone except Peyton :)

Frank called me and said "Hey what are you doing at 5:00" and I said nothing. He said I have 2 BYU tickets on the 17 row in the south end zone if you want them. Then he kinda chuckled because he knows my "love" for BYU football. I said yes we will take them! Sure i'm not the biggest Zoobie fan out there, but free tix to football um yeah i'm not gonna pass those up. And Mike would probably kick my butt, because unlike this UTE fan he is a BYU fan (sadly).


I had my patriarchal interview! Yes, I don't have it yet.... But I am getting it soon!!!! I cannot wait!
Then it was over to the parents for some yummy food!! We went and saw Ashton and Whitney's new home!! And took pioneer crossing for the first time which was awesome!

Finally around 3:00 we got home to paint!!
At 5:30 we had the Wilson - Hall BBQ!!
It was a blast!
Then after that was over we went to Payden and Phils for another BBQ.
I just have to say I am so glad I was not doing what I did last labor day. We hiked Timp.
Sorry it was so long, but if you go this far I hope you enjoyed it!
Love - The Halls!
My family knows the Wilsons really well. My mom and Yara are really good friends. Funny how many little connections there are!
Your home is amazing. Next time we're in town we have to come visit you!
your pictures are cute! and your brothers house is really pretty! that's exciting for them!!
and yay for a grill!! woot woot!!