Peyton Tajma Hall

Born: December 19th 2010
Time: 8:36 PM
Weight: 8 lbs. 5 oz.
Length: 20.5 in.
Apgar: 10/10


Brian and Kayla said…
Nikki she is so adorable! She is one of the prettiest baby girls I have seen and I'm not just saying that because you are my friend.

I'm glad to hear your delivery went okay and that no C-section was needed. I had David on a Sunday night at 8:32...funny. I hope all is well! Enjoy her while she is so tiny because it goes by so fast! Your pictures are precious.
Esplins said…
So happy for you two! Oh my word she is beautiful. Congratulations you guys! Keep the pictures coming. What a perfect little Christmas present. Can't wait to see her.
Tela said…
She is so pretty!! Congrats to you both!! I'm so glad that everything went okay :)
paislea said…


I'm so happy for you guys! you have to let me know when i can come see her! she's so perfect!!!

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