State Fair! 2010

Sept. 9th- 19th, 2010!
The Parry Family went to the Utah State Fair!

Colton and Dane
 Theresa, Lynne and Colton
Hannah and my Mom
 Dane, Juli, Theresa and Hannah
 Frank trying to text and walk :)
 Family looking at the shops
 Theresa and Dane
 Watching the football game
 A robot for the kids

 Happy Frank

 Mike and the Bull
 Scarred Mike
 Lynne and the calf
 Mike trying to get the poop off his shoes
 Bessy and the Prego

Mom and the Sheepies!
 They were soooo soft!
 Hannah and the pig
 Nikki and Bacon, yes I named him bacon :)
 The Auction Block
 Mike wanted this hat
 Mike and the yummy funnel cake
 Lynne and Hannah
 Theresa and Dane
Story Time: Theresea begged for this funnel cake so after much persisting and "negotiation" her and Dane split one. Well she decided a few bites into it that she'd had enough. Big bad parents said no way you finish what you asked for. Poor little girl had to eat her half :( the end!
I love watching my Brother and Sister In Law Parent. I find my self constantly taking notes! I wanted to remember this funny time in the future so thanks for letting me share! I hope it made sense....

 CUTE BOWS I got for Peyton and the fair! :)


Whitney Parry said…
Fun times! You guys must have gone when we were on our cruise! No fair! ha:)

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