Remember, Remember the 5th of November!

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

 The group!!

Every November 5th my family gets together and burns "Guy Fawkes" to go along with the England tradition. 
Its basically just an excuse for us to have a bonfire and roast brawts and eat s'mores. 
We then watch V for Vendetta, if you haven't seen it then you should!

Mike as V
Nikki as V

 Lynne and Colton
 Ben and Nicole

 Mike and his brawt
Lynne and her cream soda
 Ashton and Whit

 Nikki, Blueberry and Annette
 Blueberry wanted in on the action
 Theresa and Colton working on the fire
 Guy Fawkes!
 Theresa, Guy, Lynne and Colton
 Nikki, Mike, Guy, Payden and Annette
 Prego Nikki, Mike and Guy
 Ashton, Guy and Whitney
 Nicole, Ben, Burnt Guy, Mike, Nikki, and Ashton

Until next year!


sharon. said…
I LOVE that you guys celebrate this. How fun.
Esplins said…
How random :) I've never heard of it but looks like a fun time. You're sure looking cute. Can't believe she'll be here so soon!

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