Family Shower

Food, Family and Presents!  Saturday November 13th my Mom and sister-in-laws threw me a shower. It was so fun to see everyone and spoil P once again. 
Thank you everyone who came and for all of the gifts.  A big thank you to my Mom and sisters! It was so much fun. 

 We had soup bowls. Broccoli cheese or Taco soup. YUM!
 I love fruit!

 Go Utes!

 Both my Mom and Mother-in-law made Peyton blankets! I don't have a picture of the one Suzanne made, but I will get one with P all wrapped up in in soon!
Here are the two my mom made this one matches her nursery and its a "rag" blanket you can't see the detail on it, but it's super cute.
This is my green Swedish weave blanket. :) Very beautiful! She has been working on it since we told her we we're expecting. Thanks mom I know you worked so hard on both of these are they are adorable!
 Suzanne and Me

 Lynne, Me, Whitney and Grandma Parry :)


paislea said…
awe awe awe!!! you are so gorgeous nikkie! i love these pictures! you look so cute!!!!!

BUT- this looks like one heck of a family shower! looks like you had tons of fun!

allister bee fashion blog
Whitney Parry said…
That was so fun.. You got so much awesome stuff! I love spoiling P! I can't wait until she is here!
Anonymous said…
nice post. thanks.
Alea said…
I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of yor little Peyton. :)

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