It's not a 100% done, but you get the idea!
I was very nervous about this watermelon theme! I had a vision and I must say its a even cuter than I imagined. Good Job Nikki!
The shelf in this picture is actually from my nursery. White was its original color, but I think the black makes it!

There isn't any bedding yet because I wanted to see the colors of the room. So that will be another post another day! Hint: It will hopefully be similar to the block letters in the pictures below. :)

My crafty friend Paislea made this for me! What a sweetheart huh!?!
Were going to put black ribbon on them and hang them up, but I wanted to blog about it. So here is sneak peak. 
There is also another small shelf left of the letters, but you can't really see it I need to hang that up too... 

I did get 1 shelf hung up. You can see the baby mini mouse Aunt Whitney brought Peyton back from Disneyland! So cute she already has her first stuffed animal/teddy bear! :)

With our the black ribbon, but its still soooo cute!

I still need to hang up this mirror....
Do you like our black glider? I already love it!
I put my sleeping beauty crown on her small dresser so it wasn't so bare.

I got this little black chair/stool for .50 cents! It was gross so I sanded it and painted it BLACK! 
The back rest actually flips to the floor so when she gets older she will be able to reach the sink!

Payden bought this for Mike, but I felt it fit perfect in Pays room!
Yeah Payden & Peyton thats gonna be fun. I'm already getting them confused when people talk about one of them if they don't enunciate the TON or the DEN. 

Blank wall to the left where the mirror and other self and pictures will go. 

She already has some clothes :) 
Spoiled little girl! 

I really just wanna say thank you soooo much Mike! He really did all of the work I was just brains. That chair rail looks amazing. The green pain lines are all so very straight and its all because of you!
Mike you are such a great husband and I know your going to be a wonderful father! I love you babe! Thank you for everything!

PAINT IT BLACK! (inside joke between Mike and I)


Michael said…
Hey babe, the room looks great. I'm so proud of you. It was the best idea ever! I was happy to help and happy to be a part of it. Now all we need to do is paint the rest of our house black to match! Ha!
paislea said…
i love this nikki. the room looks even better than i thought it was going to look. i was a little bit nervous in the beginning just because i couldn't envision it. but it's so perfect! and i love the letters...hihihi! they're so cute! we will get you some black ribbon and tie that up real nice for you!!

i'm so excited for your little baby! she is going to be so cute and she has such a cute fun room to play in!! yayayayay!!!!

ps. you're the cutest pregnant lady ever!
Brian and Kayla said…
What a darling nursery! Good job! I bet it makes it even more exciting that she is coming!

I do love the black glider. And good job on the thrifty stool.
Whitney Parry said…
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it!!!!! It's so cute!!! I love everything about it! what a perfect idea. You are my inspiration!
Esplins said…
Darling!! I absolutely love it. It turned out so cute. Good job you two. Can't wait to meet your darling little Peyton!
Jacquelinne said…
You guys..this looks absolutely amazing!! Great job! I can't imagine how much time went into painting the are both more patient than me!
sharon. said…
By far the cutest nursery I have ever seen! Way to go!!

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