What a Beautiful Day!


 My Version of a The song!

06 December 19th met at Fridays
06 December 31st Mike shaved thinking he was going to get a kiss.
07 January 4th hot tubing at Mike’s apartment First Kiss.
07 February 4th Vegas trip where we fell in love
08 January 9th Broke Up
08 December 19th Purposed at Temple sq.
09 May 2nd Wedding day!
10 April 17th Found out were having a baby!

Day ONE I am thankful you said Hello
Day TWELVE I stopped by on New Years
You kissed me for the first time on Day SIXTEEN
Day Forty Seven drove to Vegas and you said I love you to me. 
Day Three Hundred and Eight One You almost lost me to your foolish pride.
Day Seven Hundred and Thirty You asked me what I was doing for the rest of my life.
We said I DO on Day Eight Hundred and Sixty Four.
Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Fourteen we found out were going to be Parents!


I delete emails after reading them because I've had my fair share of psychos email me.I thought all of my emails were complete deleted when I found a folder where I saved some from Mike when we first started dating and I lived in Rain Tree!  This was written the day before he kissed me!
 On Myspace you can upload a status and this is what I wrote-

From: +NiKoTiNe+
Date: Jan 3 2007 4:14 PM

hey everyone sorry i havent seen you all like i was suppost to on new years... i had something come up. anyway well you all should come see the new place is sweet! so let me know when you can come! luv ya ~nikki~

Mike sent me a private message that said-

hey! so, when can i come and see the new place?
because i only go to walk ALL around the outside last time!
but i have to admit that babbling brook is quite quaint.
anyway, are you all ready for school to start?
but i would love to hang out again sometime soon!
just whenever its good for you.
talk to you later!
Hopefully my spelling has improved ha ha ha!  I just though it was sooo cute. He acts so calm and sly in this email. Really he was hung up on me (he told me) I'm not making it up.  I love it!


paislea said…
you two are effing babes. i love this. it's so cute. i love finding little things from the past. it's always a fun trip down memory lane!!

♥ ♥

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