NYC Day 2 and Celebrating 1 year anniversary!

May 2nd 2010!
We slept in and it was great!!!!!!! 
We went to the Yankee, White Sox game! It was so much fun! 
Way up in the nose bleeds

My first National Baseball game! Go sox even though they got creamed! 
Not ready for the pic lol
Happy Anniversary!!!!
I love love love cotton candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

After the game we went back and got all dressed up for a nice dinner i'm sad we forgot to take pics! 
We at The Palm! Mike and I both love steak and mashed potatoes medium or medium rare please!!! :)
NYC 206 West Street
It was so fun if your ever in NYC go there! Its worth the price! 
New York Strip! 
Then Mike got Chocolate warming cake! He loves that stuff! He got a little crazy with that! ;)


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