May 2nd! Happy 1 year Anniversary!

I cannot believe it has been a year! Oh how it went by sooo fast! I just want everyone to know that I love you Mike! Thank you so much for always loving me and being there for me! I love you and I hope all of our years are amazing as this one!!!!
ps. I'm a little bummed didn't rain in NYC today like it did when it POURED last May 2nd.

 What is your spouse's name?
 MICHAEL Wayne Hall I call him MIKEY :) he hates it unless its from me!

 How long have you been married?
1 YEAR!!!! MAY 2nd 2009!

How long were you together before you got married?
We met December 19th 2006 and have been inseparable since. Soo That would be 2 years and 6 months!

Where did you get married?
Utah, SLC LDS Temple

Where you live now?
That depends... Today I'll be in NYC for the week. We were in Provo... but we are now in to our 1st home in LEHI!

5. Where did you propose or were proposed to?
Proposed to! At the same place we got married. So cute! With all of the beautiful lights! :)

6. Have you ever been married before your current marriage?

7. Who "wears the pants" in the house?
Now that depends on the topic lol. Electronics defiantly him. Everything else ME! he he he

8. Who is the "bread-winner"?
I use to be :( but now he is make lots more that I ever will. Stupid Degree.... Just kidding CONGRATS BABE ON GRADUATING!!!

9. Do you have any children?

10. Do you have any Pets?

11. How many times a week do just the two of you go out?
Definitely on the Weekends and more than we should during the week.

12. Do you have separate checking accounts?
No way! That kids spends like crazy!

13. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I use to sleep on the right all of my life, but for the past year I'm on the left. Some times I sneak to the right when I go to bed first :)

14. Who does the laundry?
Both, but Him defiantly more than me. He taught me how to do laundry ha ha ha thanks MOM for doing it for me till I was 20. :)

15.Who cooks?
Both I work late so sometimes him and sometimes me.

16. Who cleans?
Me defiantly! Except midnight (his car) he keeps her spotless!

17. Do you share a vehicle or each have your own?
We have our own. I have Luna and he has Midnight.

18. Do you get along with your in-laws?
Yeah we both do!

19. Do you argue with your spouse?
Only about movies lol, but no not really.

20. Are you good at pampering each other?
Defiantly! I am so glad he is a romantic!

21. What is your favorite physical feature of your spouse?
Well I love his "chicky legs" is what I call them. His butt is nice too! I would say my fav is his Lips!!! Gosh or his Green eyes.... I just love all of him!

22. Name one thing you would change about your spouse?
That he didn't date such crazy girls before me. Ha Ha Ha
I wouldn't change anything.

23. Name a movie that will always remind you of your spouse?
The Aviator its what we watched on our first real date.

24. If you just found out you were pregnant would you need to get a larger home?
No our new home has room to grow! 

25. What is your wedding date?
May 2nd 2009

26. At what age did you first meet?
I was 19 and he was 21

27. At what age did you start going out?
Same as 26

28. At what age did you say "I do"?
21 & 23

29. What do you each do for a living?
I help peopble build websites, He makes webites and graphic design.

30. On a scale of one to ten. (10 being the BEST) How great is your marriage?
9 only because we don't have a dog! Jk a 10! I married my best friend!

31. How old is your spouse? 24

32. Who eats more? Me I think, well it depends on what were eating.

33. Who said I love you first? He did. After like a month of dating! He said " I think I'm falling in love with you". Then a month after that he said I love you!!! SOOO CUTE!!!

34. Who is taller? He is!

35. Who sings better? He defiantly does! I don't sing!

36. Who is smarter? Depends on the subject. Mainly him with his nerdy ways jk babe.

37. Who controls the T.V. remote? We like the same shows for the most part.

38. Whose temper is worse? Mine, I'm just more stubborn

39. Who does the dishes? The dishwasher he he he that's me trying to be funny. We both do, depends who cooked.

40. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does... NOT FAIR!

41. Who is more stubborn? Defiantly me!

43. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Him ;)

44. Who has more friends? We both have a lot, friends are the best!

45. Who has more siblings? Woah... We have the same!

46. Who wears the pants in the family? That will be decided when we have kids! Who knows?

47. Do you have a song? We have a lot, but this is the main one!
OUR SONG By Tim McGraw! My Best Friend!!!!! 
 I never had no one
I could count on
I've been let down so many times
I was tired of hurtin'
So tired of searchin'
'Til you walked into my life
It was a feelin'
I'd never known
And for the first time
I didn't feel alone

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend, oh yeah

You stand by me
And you believe in me
Like nobody ever has
When my world goes crazy
You're right there to save me
You make me see how much I have
And I still tremble
When we touch
And oh the look in your eyes
When we make love

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
And I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
And I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend (my best friend)
You're my best friend (my best friend)


Esplins said…
Happy Anniversary you two!! I'm jealous you're celebrating in NYC. We totally considered going this same week. I'm dying to see Wicked again. We'll have to plan an anniversary trip one year and go together somewhere. I think it would be a party. Enjoy your trip!!

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