2nd Best Day of my LIFE! GO JAZZ!!!!

I work for a company called CREXENDO and I was given the Honorary Coach Tix for tonights game. Utah JAZZ vs. New Orleans Hornets. 

I must say this was one of the coolest experiences of my life!
Where to start?
From the beginning!
Mike, Frank, Colton Lynne and I arrived at the Energy Solutions Center at 6:00 pm
Colton and Lynne went to the Special Dinner cus they had those tix. While Mike my dad and I went down on to the court. We watched Korver and a few other players warm up for a bit then the whole team came out and we watched them too. Then it was game time!
Mike and Frank went to their seats while I stayed down right behind the players. I sat next to the team doctor. Very friendly guy I must say! He asked me about where I was from and stuff like that. Then I asked him do you know when AK will be back to play. He said hopefully Monday. I said do you know if he will come sit out here? He said i'm sure he will. (for those of you that don't know Andrei is my favorite!) Boy did he come sit out there. Right next to the Doctor. You know what the Doctor said to him! This girl has been waiting for you. I'm sure I turned 5 shades of red. Then he smiled at me :)  Here is where it gets good! AK talked to me! Feshinko was shooting free throws and he said in his Russian accent. "I'll bet you he misses the first one and hits the second one. And thats exactly what he did. He then said yes I know my teams very well. I bet you didn't think I was going to get it right." Then I laughed because I wasn't going to argue with AK. :)

Later in the game he talked to me about ice cream along with the doctor. 
I was trying to take pictures of AK with out weirding him out. You will see them below. Then I decided what the hell i'm sure he's use to it. So I took a picture and he moved out of the way. So I got ready to take another and he said "oh sorry I though you were trying to get the game not me." (he smiled) I said to him your my favorite player I was trying to get you. then I smiled. :) He posed for me and took an amazing pic. I said i'm sorry you're hurt I wish you were playing. Then he smiled and nodded. 

Andrei Kirilenko has always been my favorite player and after tonight he always will be!
I know there wasn't much of a convo, but hey it was more than I expected. Just so you know his hair was the bomb and he is way too skinny fyi. 

The Jazz were up by a ton because West got ejected early in the game for a #2 Flagant Foul on Korver.  Which means D-Will and Boozer took a long break on the bench. They were so funny to listen to. They called Ronnie Price. R.P. and kept yelling at him to shoot it or drive. They were making fun of some of the fans and then They did the Chicken Dance! I was laughing so hard. Deron was like they don't have this in Alaska and CJ was like yeah I learned it here. C.J. said "What do they called it the funky chicken?" " D-Will said no its like The crazy chicken." LOL

KORVER TOUCHED ME! D-WILL and BOOZER smacked my hand, but KORVER touched me! Okay so he accident rested his long arm across my legs because they were up against the back of the chairs sure it was only for 30 seconds, but he made the first move! SHHH don't tell Mike ;)

They sure did talk a lot, but it was hard to remember it all. It makes me happy how friendly they were though! Very cool! 

 1:10 in the video Sitting behind Boozer next to the teams doctor and AK!

http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/photos?gameId=300320026&photoId=533456#photo_534151 - Boozer and Williams and my wedding ring and you can see some of my hair right behind Boozer lol

D-Will Doing the CHICKEN DANCE! And who is that #5 sitting behind him? :)

Better Angle of the Chicken Dance! With me laughing at him!

The Set List

Engery Soultions Floor

I was so close! Yet so far...

Korver getting ready to hit those 3s!

Jazz Bear giving me the thumbs up!

Warm Ups!

Ronnie Price (RP)

D-Will Stretching

Ronnie and Fezinko


C.J. Miles laughing at D-Will

All Iced Up!

Stalking AK! He was hurt so he sat behind the bench with me all suited up!

AK and Korver, Yes still stalking!

Getting closer!

He looked at me AHHHHH!

HE PEACED SIGNED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So did D-WILL!!!!!!!!



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