Thank You Catholic Saint named St. Valentine!

Why? I'll tell you why!

I've been thinking about this lately because some of the people I work with were complaining about how they hate Valentines day and its only there for people who are married or have a significant other. BOO I SAY!

I have always loved Valentines Day! With or with out a boy in my life! Maybe its just because I don't like to look at it as a day just for that someone you kiss, but for everyone you love!  For example I love my friends very very much! We would send each other flowers and decorate each others lockers and have a girls night! It was a lot of fun I though. My best best friends besides Mike is a guy (Spencer) he also would give us girls stuff too! So cute! So people who are anti-love day, don't be! Be happy and show your family and friends how much you love them! Like the Beatles say- All you need is love! Love is all you Need!

Last I got 4 dozen roses, This year I was expecting nothing just cus were married! He has me! I'm his foreva! And I got back from lunch today with Mike and at my desk was this!

Fire and Ice my favorite rose! Pepsi Throwback!  Twix!  Yes Mr Hall you have done good! Sneeky Sneeky I don't know how he got them on my desk at lunch when I went with him. Well I sorta know now, but way to sunrise me babe!

They smell so good! I need to invent smellavison and smellacomputer!  Or scratch and sniff monitor ha ha ha yeah right.

I am the luckiest! Mike you really are my best friend and I really don't know where I'd be with out you here with me! Live makes perfect sense, you're my bestfriend!

For all of the Love day HATERS! This image is for you!

Some fun history and facts for you! Click here!


Brian and Kayla said…
Nikki- A fun V-day memory: Remember doing dredlocks at your house and using...I 4 cans of hairspray? And I do remember getting a rose from Spencer. Thanks for reminding me of those good times! I think about you guys and hope you are doing well!

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