Rise and Shout...

Are we one floor seats at a BYU basketball game? I think so! .
The Tip Off! 


A sweet pic!
Crexendo! The company I work for!
Awe how cute!

Usually I'm not a fan of Cozmo, but...
 About 2 years and 11 months ago Mike took me to a BYU basketball game on our 2nd or 3rd date. Your  probably thinking didn't he know she isn't a fan of  BYU.... No I didn't tell him i'm a Utah Fan because I was nervous and was still in the stage of Ahh What Will He Think Of Me.... Ha Ha Ha :) So we took a picture with Cozmo back then and now its just kind of a joke between us.I'm trying to find it, but no luck yet...
I thought it was really cute we got to go to another basketball game 3 years later! Its true i'm Utah fan, but I enjoy sports none the less! It was a great game and they won! So way to go BYU!
Although, when BYU is doing good they sing theres school song and I dont rise and shout!  I will clap when they score, but no I don't stand and sing. I sing to myself a UTAH MAN AM I!
ANY WAY I asked Mike last night if Max Hall would think i'm classless if I don't rise and shout and sing the song?  He laughed its all in good teasing fun! :)


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