Can You Keep Up? November and the start of December!

I hate snow!!!! I really love this picture though! This house is in Orem right by my work!

Connor and Zuleika are having a baby boy! The shower!
Country Dancing in Provo!

Getting ready for the dip!
Matt and Seantay are professionals!
Mike, Payden and I playing pool at OZZ
THE WINNER! 2 out of 3 they ganged up on me or it would have been 3 out of 3!
Uncle Doug and Frank
The Gift Exchange! Mike got a pink snuggy and exchanged it for STAR WARS MONOPOLY!

I got a hot chocolate set, and a Mormon kamasutra Book.... It was funny not dirty :) Hence, Whits laughing really hard in the pic!
Lynne and Me! The culprit in the naughty present!
The Song game! Probably one of the funniest games I've ever played!
You draw a song out of a bucket and some one else in the room does too. You don't know who has it. As so as you say go. Everyone tries to find there partner. There are 12 people so 6 partnerships. Only 5 Chairs! First 5 partners to find eachother and sit on a chair are still in. You play till there is 1 chair and 4 people. Thats what this pic is of!

I've always wanted green eyes! I hope our kids get Mikes Eyes. I took a pic because I had green eyes. Some times my eyes change from blue to grey and green. It didn't turn out as good, but I got proof none the less!


Sumner Family said…
I was so sad to miss out on the party. Darn sick kid. But just so you know I will always be happy Mike traded in the pink snuggie, because Scout has not been without for 48 solid hours!

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