The wise man built his house upon a rock!
Mike and I have decided to take pictures of the houses that we like. So we can build one that has all of the elements that we want. Its strange how much we think alike. I LOVE IT! There are four things on the outside that I think my dream house will need. #1. Tree line drive way or house on top of a hill. #2. Columns of some sort! #3 Stone its all about the texture! #4 White picket fence! #5 Balcony's of some sort defiantly one from our bedroom window. Decks can be included here as well, I like having a place to sit and watch the world go by. As for the inside of the house that's a whole nother post!
Mikes first pick he loves little houses! This is his favorite house in PG. He wants to have some projects that he can fix up and this is where he would love to start.
Some reason I just really like this house! I feel this connection to it. Ha Ha Ha
(Its my parents house) In the fall its hidden. Not to mention the nice deck we have behind the house to watch the horses and deer and other animals.
This house is also down town PG. I drive past this house all the time. The stone is also amazing and of course the balcony! Oh yes and the columns I love columns! And how cute is that picket fence with a gate! It really is the perfect house except it just needs to be cleaned up a bit. Check out that DECK!
I wish I would have taken a better picture of this effect. This house sits on top of a hill and when driving to my friend Drew's house I always thought I want a house with a long steep drive way or at least the road makes it look like its a castle :)
Same house bigger picture! I love the balcony and the siding You will see that I like brick more, but I really like the siding on this house. Two very nice decks!
Mikes pick he really likes the color of this house!
I LOVE the color of the stucco! It really is a great house! I don't like that they have brick, stucco and stone you should never do all three! I think its to much I want to just crop off the whole left side of the house thats brick. I don't really like the color of the stone, but I do love that they have stone and where its placed.
This is another house I wish you could see close up! The brick is amazing! The pillars are stone and I prefer columns that are round and white, but these stone pillars are way cool! Totally a deck on the side of the house to grill on and have awesome BBQs!

THE HOUSE! It my most favorite! Mike really really liked it to. I took a drive by shot sorry I felt weird with the gardener out there. Replace the brick with stone and it would be a perfect house! I think this house is the only one that's not in PG. YAY Lindon gets a vote! ;)
This is my favorite road in Provo, well maybe in the whole world. When you are coming down from Provo temple to canyon road. (around the North corner from the MTC) I love the trees on both sides! If I could build a house at the top of this road where the light is it would be perfection. Ha Ha Ha. Its my own personal tree line drive right to the Temple.