HALL-OWEEN! Not complete missing a lot of pics...

Its offical HALLoween is our holiday, because it has our name in it ha ha ha. On Thursday night Mike, Nikki, Payden, Colby and Heather carved pumpkins. I carved Mini mouse and it was cute, but I didn't get close up of her :( On Friday night my little brother called me to come carve pumpkins with him its tradition so Mike and Payden and I went to my parents and carved pumpkins with Lynne, Theresa and Dane. While the rest of the boys watched the Jazz game. On Saturday night (HALLOWEEN) We all went to Gandis then went shotgun shooting then to the parents house to show them our costumes then finally Kristen's Party! It was quite the weekend!
Sorry I'm still waiting for the rest of the pics that weren't taken on my camera...


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