Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me!

Before and After the Cruise. Sorry I'm not going to post the Cruise pics until we get together and show them to Mike's family. BEFORE THE CRUISE:
It was Nate's Birthday and well all got together and celebrated! There is the cool place in Orem called Pirate Island Pizzahttp://pirateislandorem.blogspot.com/ 
Check it out it was so much fun and such a cool atmosphere!
Nate and Brett!

Old friends that I have not seen in forever!

Cory and Kristy!

Engery Solutions Center
GO JAZZ! #26 you rock!

Mike and I on the 3rd to the top row. They were free tickets from the Marines! Thanks Payden! It was actualy kinda cool to sit up so high, usually with Mike's fams tickets were down really close which is awesome!

AWE how cute!

During a time out with the whole team on the floor.

Mike with his beard..... it starts :(
 Next is Pirate Island Pizza Again!

Bob and Shawn singing my heart will go on by Celine Deon
Gotta love the Karaoke!

The Group!

Payden and Paige

Just got done shooting pirate stuff!



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