Songs Of Our Love!

I wanted to redo our playlist and I figured I would post a blog about the songs I chose. 
1.        The song we first kissed to:
 Hands Down, Dashboard Confessional

2.     The song we first danced to:
         Big and Rich, Holy Water
3.      The song I put in the CD player of his Jeep I trashed for Valentine’s Day. Not to mention it’s our song!
         Tim McGraw, My Best friend
4.      The song that reminds me of him (besides our song)
         There’s tons of them um Frank Sinatra (inside joke!) Soco Amaretto Lime, Brandnew
5.      The song that reminds him of me
                 PS. I Love You, The Pogues, Love You Till The End

         Unbelievable, Josh Gracin
         Brad Paisley, I thought I loved you then. - Not on the playlist to the right, but click on the link its an amazing son!

6.      The song that helped us get through a bad time (yes at one point in our relationship we  fought…)-
                 Hey Jude, The Beatles

7.      The Country song that makes him laugh because I guess he’s always waiting J-               
                  Brad Paisley, Waiting on a Woman

8.      The Country song that makes me laugh because he has made up sign language to this song- 
                 Tracy Lawrence, Find Out Who Your Friends Are
        9.      Nikki’s favorite song right now.That isn’t Country- Muse, Uprising

        10.    Mike’s favorite song right now – Kings of Leon, Use Somebody

        11.   Our favorite song from a movie-  I've Just Seen A Face, from the Across The Universe Sound Track

12.   Mike wanted to add a question  he asked me do you remember what I was wear the first time we met. I said that’s a trick question. The first time we met was In the summer of 06 at a Brand New Concert where I wouldn’t give him the time of day lol J   He said no no not that time the time we really first met the time that we actually talked to each other.  It was December 19th 2006 Colby’s Birthday Party.
N:  I said something long sleeved and maybe white or light blue. I remember you looked good and your smile really  struck me.
M: I was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with lettering across my chest and my white coat.

Then I asked okay so what was I wearing.
M: A green shirt with a black jacket over it and  really hot jeans.
N: I have no idea ha ha ha I'll take your word for it. 


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