Bored out of my mind and sick in bed, why not Post?

First things first no I am not preggo. Sorry for all of you that still think I am read the Herby post!
18 days till were on our cruise!
Happy Birthday to Adam who is sixteen today!!
Happy Birthday tomorrow to Mike!! (not my Mike, Suzanne’s Mike) They have the exact same name so it gets confusing!
Payden joined blogger! I don’t think he understand it though. Now to convince the rest of my friends!

Now for this past week highlights! Dun Dun Dun!
Brett and Alexsis got married!
Alex, Nate, Brian, Tysin and Mike decorated his car.  It had American cheese mustard and mayonnaise. They tied whole cans of corn and beans to the back. It was funny when he drove off!  There was a lot of other stuff they did but this it the G rated blog.

Friday I had a girls night with: Mckell and Londyn her sweet baby girl she is soo cute! Alisha Olson now Alisha Olson Mecham. And Cozette Ward who will soon be Cozette Ward Vreeland. I forgot my camera so there won't be any pictures of this. We went to Texas Road House in Af/Lehi. I like the Sandy one better, but TRH is the best mmmm so good! 

Saturday we went golfing of course! Then to a baby shower the bows and shoes are so cute. Then to the BBQ!!!   
Brittney and Jay
Samantha Johnson
Phil Hudson
Aubrey Carroll Robison and Family! Her baby is super cute!
Payden Thompson
Lacey Smith
Brittany and Jay
Mike and I 
Colby and Heather
It was a blast! I have to say the highlight of my night was either the dessert lol thanks lacey yum 
yum!! And Calypso well Cali for short.  Here are some pics I didn't get my camera out till almost everybody left :( , but next time I will sooner because we are going to do this again real soon!

I want this dog! 


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