That’s What You Get!!

That’s what you all get for asking when we’re going to have a baby! No, it’s not true, I am not preggo! Ha, we got you! Sorry to the innocent people that feel for it but thank you for all the congratulations, it really did mean a lot! I am happy that I will have all of that support in the future.
We did bring home our new addition to the family though. I really want a Great Dane, but that will just have to wait. His name is Herbert Redwood Hall! We love our cute little boy. Our cute little family is just so wonderful. Ha ha sorry that was just a little inside joke. Ha ha ha! We had so much fun creating him at Color Me Mine. It’s the best place ever! Here are some cute pictures of Herby. Enjoy!



Mike being a Daddy

Burping Herby while watching TV

Burping again!


He likes to hold my finger :)

So Happy!

Shh He's Sleeping!

Right before he was fired!

Us making Herby

Lynne bubble painting her bowl

Mike Thinking...

Father and Son

Painting His Bum!

Lynne and Theresa


Still Painting His Bum!

Thersea and her cup!

Lynne and her bowl!

Whitney and her surprise for Ashton is was sweet i couldn't put the finished pics up till sept. When she gives it to him!


Me Ah I was so tired!

Us we had a lot of fun at Color Me Mine!


Alea said…
You know, that's just how it goes... When you date people ask when you're getting married. When you're married people ask when you're going to have kids... It's just how it works. Lol
Sarah said…
I decided you are a mean person of teasing me. That is not cool. Although I do know how you feel with EVERYONE asking when you are going to have kids. Good grief, it gets annoying. I decided we all need to hang out again! I miss you guys.

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