The Reception!

~The Reception~
Thank you all for coming! I cannot believe all the love and support we have had. I heard the line went all the way out to the parking lot. For that I am sorry, but it really does make me so happy to have had so many people there. I hoped you guys liked the sign in book with our cute engagements. I liked our video of us growing up! I hope you all got to watch that! I heard the food was so good Matt came and gave me shrimp in line once, but that’s all that I got to try sadly. I did sneak an Italian Soda right before the line started. If you know me then you know I love Italian sodas! I had to have certain things in my wedding like that such as: The Black Roses. I love black and the floating black roses in the vases and floating candles on top turned out amazing! And the Italian Sodas. I had to have to puffy dresses with pickups and Diamonds. I had to have a beautiful cake and we did I pick it out my self and I think it’s the best wedding cake I’ve ever seen! I would not change one thing about the wedding day not even the rain because it’s different and I love being different hence the black flowers and black sashes. Everything was perfect it always has been when it comes to Mike and it always will be I have found the best man ever. Like we say” I don’t know where I’d be with out you here with me life makes perfect sense. YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND!” The reception place was breath taking when the sun set. It got darker around 8:15 ish at Sun River gardens and that was my favorite time we danced our dances. First with my father Frank we danced to I Loved Her First. We both got really choked up, but kept from crying. Then I danced with Mike to My Best Friend by Tim McGraw. This is just one of our many songs. Then we cut the Cake. I told mike not to get it on my dress and if he did he was going down. He was a sweetheart and just fed it to me and I did the same no mess lol. Then we got back in line for the last half hours. I am sorry to the people that we cut line on I hope we were able to see everyone and thank you for coming. I just want to say THANK YOU to Whitney and her Mom for catering, I didn't get to eat the goodies and the sandwiches, but I did steal one of the shrimp and it was so so good. We were on a tight schedule and left right at nine. I said good bye to my friends and family and walked down the stone way and it was covered in rose petals. Then to my surprise there was a Big Hummer Stretch Limo! Can you say WOW!!! I loved it!!! It was so cool! Mike was a little mad because they upgraded us to the H2 stretch. He a Lincoln stretch ordered. I wanted that because it is very classy and our whole wedding has been classy and elegant right down to the announcements. I loved it though I want a hummer 3 so bad, but it looks like for now I’m going to be getting Jeep Ranger with a 6’’ lift. Any way the Lincoln is classy but I liked the stretch hummer more. Babe you did a great job I couldn’t not have asked for more. When we got to SLC the Grand America was light up and it was beautiful. You will have to back and read the honeymoon blog to hear more. As of right now in the Halls life you are updated! We are looking forward to Payden coming home next week and going on a cruise in October with everyone. Love you all and Keep Blogging
Song of the day is: The boy who blocked his own shot. By: Brand New
We are going to miss there concert because we will me in South America on vary-cay, but are sad to miss it.
Enjoy the Pictures!


Nick and Emily said…
who was your photographer. They did a great job. Not to mention the great job you did. Your reception was so lovely.

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