Day 9

Woke up at 3 to go look for shells. There weren't that many the reef breaks them, but we did find some. Then we went back to sleep and woke up around nine. Then when to Vips I had yogurt and fresh O.j. Came back for one last dip in the pools and out to the beach. Went and packed up and headed home. Oh yeah I have a tummy ache. I think the Mexican Indian food hurt my belly.

Last words:
The honey moon was very fun and awesome! I loved every moment of it! The buses and almost dying from the crazy drivers on the small roads to the Markado(market) and the men harassing me... I love being married. I cannot wait to get home and unwrap all those presents and move into our house! I love my new family they are the coolest. I love my best friend Mike and now my husband thank you for making my dreams come true.

Last pictures from our room. Nice view huh!

I love Mike!


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