Day 5

Slept in thanks to the Ambien:) Mike and I went to breakfast at a place called Vips, it was so good I had a Waffle with strawberries and whip cream on it. We figured out the bus system and went to the Market. Haggled with everyone and found some cute green cowboy boots. No I didn't end up getting them. :( I bought a hammock thought! I figured 300 for boots i'm going to ruin riding my horses or ten bucks for a hammock I better get the hammock. Then we found a Wal-Mart and bought a calling card and got on the internet. Came back to the hotel after a long day re applied aloe, because we were burnt from the day before. Went to Mcdonalds, because Sushi Tepayaki was closed and we were starving. Called the Parentals. Went to the Gas station and made friends with some random tourists. Bought cereal so we can eat breakfast tomorrow because we have to wake up way early for Chichen itza. Went home and went to beddy bye.
** Side Note **
The Hotel is empty there are about 15 people staying here. Everyone is scared of the Swine Flu so everyone canceled there flights. The Taxi drives and waiters and people that are selling stuff are driving us crazy. The economy is horrible here.

My Strawberry Waffle!

The Markets

Soon to be mine Green Boots!


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