
Showing posts from February, 2012

13 and 14 Months

Jan. 2012 1 year and 1 Month She has finally mastered sucking through a straw. She had a lot of fun with Mi Mi while we were on our cruise. She did get sick and Mi Mi took her to the doctor. My doctor told her not to tell me till we got back. HA! He knows me too well. She is saying so many words. She has started throwing more little fits when she doesn't want to do something. Pey loves to give escamo kisses and hugs. She always grabs my phone and puts it up to her ear and says HI. Uh oh I know 1 going on 16.... We attempted a french braid and it was an epic fail. 1. I have no idea how to french braid. Mind you I grew up with boys! 2. She would not sit still. Thank goodness for friends with girls,Youtube and Pinterest I'd be lost with out them. Books are still her favorite thing besides Kilo which is by far her favorite word. She loves kids! She just sits and stares and laughs at them when we have our mommy dates at Chick-fil-a. I hate taking her to the store even thought it is ...

The Jokes on YOU!

Mike and I have been planning this day for months, well more me than him. I knew I wanted both families to be surprised. Mike and I decided to wait till we could tell everyone the gender to be the day we announced as well. I made a Facebook group for a "surprise" birthday lunch for Mike and invited our families to TGI Fridays in Sandy. I had to pick a place that was only in Sandy and near the South Town. Not to mention it is where we first met.  I let them all think he knew nothing about it and of course he was scheming right along side me. I made Peyton a Big Sister shirt to pass the time this week. We waited for our families to arrive at the restaurant and when they were all there we walked in and Mike acted surprised. He then said "We actually have a surprise of our own" and told everyone to "read Peyton's shirt." It was amazing everyone was surprised! Mike then proceeded to tell them "Oh and by the way after lunch we are going ove...

18 months apart

Are we crazy? 12.05.2011 The first time I knew. I felt OFF the whole day. I woke up and got ready for the day as I put my jewlery on I couldn't remember which hand my wedding ring went on so I put it on and about 7PM that night I was sitting in a Relief Society meeting and I saw a sisters ring and thats when I realized that my ring is on the wrong hand. Many of you are thinking psh  no big deal. I came home and told Mike this story I said let me tell you why I think I'm Pregnant. I'm starting to lose my mind! He laughed and said well I guess you will just have to wait and see. A week later I've taken about 10 test the last week... Finally last night was the first time I saw a hint of a line!  I have taken 5 more test and they are all really faint. I haven't started yet so I guess we will see. I'm still not 100% I think it's because I don't feel sick. Other than the ocasional tummy ache, but I dont feel pregnant. With Pey I knew the night before...

Hall Baby #2

I have first say to all of you that I have lied to the past couple weeks I'm sorry! I know it is just going to get harder and harder too. Tonight my Mother-In-Law said " I guess it's time to have another one and laughed knowing that we are "trying"I told her yup we are trying so we will see. Then my parents came over and the card I gave Mike was sitting on the table with the test inside. I don't know if they saw it or not... Oh and Tillie was doing my hair yesterday and I was like is it ok for when I do get pregnant to do this. I'm sure glad she said yes except the hormons could effect the process and color. I have only been nauseous twice so far and no throwing up! How exciting I know and it's only because I am hungry and didn't eat and took prenatals on an empty stomach. I had Mike take a picture of me while I still  have abs and am at my skinnest 140, 5 weeks along. I guess here we go again, I've jumped on the fat train. I just keep tell...

Puerto Rico

Mike and I were finally able to go on our Cruise that has been booked for a year and half now. I got pregnant with Pey and was too far along to with all of the family and friends. Mike and I went by ourselves on this adventure. We dropped Peyton off with Mi Mi and Pa Pa and it actually wasn't too hard because we still had so much to do that night. Payden and Annette picked us up including Kilo and we went and dropped him off in Sandy at the Tesch's. Then it was off to the airport. We were pretty early so we started on a mini series called Downton Abbey and we highly recommend it. The plane ride was okay, we arrived in ATL around 4:00am and I was dead tired. Then we left there about 6:00 and arrived in Puerto Rico. We got a taxi and found our apartment in Old Town San Juan. We were excited to get out and walk the city. It was a Thursday the day before 3 Kings so there were a lot of people and celebrations going on. There was this little cafe a block down from our apartme...