PEYTON TAJMA HALL Mike and I were wrong about a boy! We are so excited to have a baby girl! For years and years and years I have prayed for a girl, technically I wasn't praying for me. I was praying for my mom to have one, but my prayers have been answered! We are so excited. I have already bought 5 outfits and the cutest Crocs! Ps. Mike blogged! Click here to see! That's between the her legs! 20 weeks! Cute lil feet! Her spine and her head we couldn't get a good shot because she was buried down deep, but were going back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound so we can see her head! This is an old pic from the 8 Week ultrasound. she looks like a froggy? Their are faint lines measuring her head to her bum telling us the exact due date. DEC 20th!