Grand Cayman! Sting Ray City and Hell!

GRAND CAYMAN WAS AMAZING! It was so hot, and so beautiful all at the same time. Below are a ton of pics from the day! We took and underwater camera that actually ended up taking some really cool pictures. I mentioned Hell and you can see on the map that i'm not making it up! We didn't actually get to go all the way to that point so I guess I really can't say we've been to Hell , but we have been really close! :) The first pic is the family all in an elevator and I stopped to take a pic you can see half of them yelling at me to hurry up and the other half smiling for the Kodak moment :) The next bunch is all of us on the boat to the STINGRAYS! STINGRAY TIME!!!! Then we went further out in to the ocean to some coral and really big starfi sh! This is the cute present we came home to after a long and very fun day!