
Showing posts from July, 2006

July 24 06

July 24 06 I got in a car accident which you probably already know but i figured i would keep you all updated. I only have one surgery left. April 19th on my mouth. It kinda surprises me to think wow only one surgery left after 8 months i am almost fully recovered. For those who don't know these are the injures i had. I broke my upper left arm and they put a plate and screws in it. I cracked my head which broke a bone in my ear. I had road rash on my face and my back and legs. I tore off most of my bottom lip. I had a puncture wound that was about 3 inches deep and a quarter round. I tore some of my ear that they sowed back on. I knocked out five teeth. I had three compressed vertebrates. I broke my scapula. this defiantly was the most painful! I broke my jaw which they wired shut. I have a plate in my chin. and also my baby was totaled (my truck). but i am just grateful to be a live and i am so thankful for everyone who prayed for me and who helped me through this! i love you s...